Double Protect your assets using with Pirichain Authenticator Factor
As we explained in below sample. Any token owner or programmer can model such below example. The important thing is double protection your assets and operations.
//####PIRICHAIN Smart Scenario v.1.0########// PiriChain Smart Scenario Code Blocks Area // All Functions must be return promise non-blocking async block or await prefix delimitier.. asyncfunctiongetMyToken(){returnawaitTools.getMyAuthenticatorToken();// this code will only give secret code 30 minutes after creation the secret token for each user.}asyncfunctionauthenticatorTokenGenerate(){// Users can generate and system will distribute the secret token in safe // to all of nodes.returnawaitTools.generateAuthenticator();}asyncfunctioninit(token){// If user is able to give the correct token then system will send 1 PIRI.constresult=awaitTools.verifyAuthenticator(token);if (result)returnawaitTransaction.sendPIRI(EXECUTER_ADDRESS,1);elsereturn {error:1,message:'NO! Your token is not correct!'};}