In this Smart Scenario; It is divided into equal periods of 10 months (Per month 2.1 Million PIRI). The asset is coded so that it can only be claimed once a month.
Who will send those PIRIs?
Relavent PSce will send PIRI though its own balance. This PSce must be have 21 Millions of PIRI for complete properly end of 10 months.
const InvestorAddress='PRTMRKWZ56v4D8mV1oj813bqTgdfUm9J4woVTDMpGxF';
const totalAmount=43_333; // for only testing.
const cliffDate={};
cliffDate["_2024"]=totalAmount*0.05; // Pay %5 on 2024
cliffDate["_2025"]=totalAmount*0.2; // Pay %25 on 2025
cliffDate["_2026"]=totalAmount*0.75; // Pay %75 in 2026
async function withdraw(amount)
if (EXECUTER_ADDRESS!==InvestorAddress)
return {error:1,data:'This PSce doesnt belong to you!'};
if (isNaN(amount))
return {error:1,data:'Amount is not true format!'};
if (parseFloat(amount)<=0)
return {error:1,data:'Amount must be positive number!'};
if (parseFloat(amount)>totalAmount)
return {error:1,data:'Amount must be lower than total amount'};
if (PSDATA==undefined) PSDATA={};
if (PSDATA["withDraw"+new Date().getFullYear().toString()]==undefined)
PSDATA["withDraw"+new Date().getFullYear().toString()]=0;
if (PSDATA["withDraw"+new Date().getFullYear().toString()]+amount<=cliffDate["_"+new Date().getFullYear()])
PSDATA["takenDate_"+new Date().toString()]=amount;
PSDATA["withDraw"+new Date().getFullYear().toString()]+=amount;
await Map.saveMap(JSON.stringify(PSDATA));
return await Transaction.sendPIRI(InvestorAddress,amount);
return {error:1,data:'You wont take this amount because of exceed to cliff limit!' };