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PSce uses a few of constants for helping to users that determine the PSce situations.
EXECUTER_ADDRESS: PSce user's address who executes at that moment.
OWNER_ADDRESS: PSce creator Address. It cannot change.
EXECUTER_SCENARIOADDRESS: Current PSce Scenario Address. And Scenario Address has been created single time. It is not changable.
AMOUNT: Returns the number of assets sent via transaction.
ASSETID: Returns the asset number sent via transaction.
EXECUTOR_NODENAME: Current Node Name. Explained below code blocks how to necessary to use.
ORIGINFLAG: Origin flag constant; gives "true" value in the node that first meets the request sent by the user and "false" value in other nodes.
So , if client sends a requests to NODE A ; NODE A takes "true" value at ORIGINFLAG other nodes takes "false" value at ORIGINFLAG.